#TOTW from 17-08-15 ‘New NICE guidelines up for consultation’

Afternoon all!

How quickly the week passes by and it’s time for yet another #TOTW! This week I have decided to flag up the new NICE guidelines that are out for consultation:

New guidelines from up for consultation including those on &

The documents might not make for a riveting read, but if like myself you are involved in the care of patients either in a pre-hospital or hospital setting, then it would be worth casting your eye over them. They will give you an idea of what NICE’s current thinking is in regard to the management of major trauma services and fractures.

The link above is to the webpage of the Society of Radiographers’ which will in -turn take you to the NICE website and provide the guidelines, both in full and in summary that you might care to have a look at.

Like I said above, it might not be sexy, but then a lot of the stuff that we do as allied health professionals just isn’t!

As a former school master was once keen on saying, “read, learn and inwardly digest!” Isn’t that right Mr. Jackman? I hope he agrees from “up above!”

Until the next time…


#TOTW from 14-08-15 ‘Help us beat dementia’

Afternoon folks!

It was a pretty easy choice this week! Here is my #TOTW:

I’ve just signed up to with we might get one step closer to a cure!

I’ve been meaning to sign-up to this for as long time now, but finally got round to it this week! PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, check out the link and see if you feel able to sign-up and join in dementia research.

It can be done online and takes just a few minutes. You might be able to take part in a suitable research project near you.

SIGN-UP TODAY! The sooner we get more volunteers, the nearer we will be to one day beating this dreadful disease!

Thank you!

Ben 🙂

OCD and I

Really interesting blog on the difficulties of battling with OCD and how Ellen managed to start to wrestle back control of her life from her OCD and became herself again. Worth a read.

Ellen's OCD Blog

OCD and I.

For as long as I can remember, you have been a part of my life. No matter the time, the location or the season, you were always there, instilling negativity and horror with every step I took. I was haunted by your ever growing existence, yet I clung onto you as if my life depended on it. You influenced my every decision, I couldn’t function without your presence. Yes, maybe I could walk down the left side of the pavement without the inevitable consequence of my loved ones dying, but you would slowly trickle those all too familiar thoughts of doubt into my mind. Infecting every corridor of rational thinking and slowly poisoning that small, sacred part of independence I had left. Then whispering those all too familiar words, echoing through my being. “What if Ellen, what if.” My internal dialogue screaming at you to stop, but…

View original post 838 more words

#TOTW, #TTT, #14TW, #4PUF & #TOTM – What are they all?


I’ve been away the weekend having a much needed spot of r n’ r down in my former university town of Aberystwyth! So as well as being a day later than usual, this week i’m just showing what all my #‘s are about for all my new followers – of which i’ve been lucky enough to get 23 in the last week alone!

I have 3 regular weekly tweets and 2 monthly tweets:

#TOTW or ‘Tweet Of The Week’ – is when I look back on the week’s tweets/retweets and pick something from amongst them, thus giving it another chance to gain the light of publicity! Usually i’ll do this on a Sunday +/- a day!

#TTT or ‘Ted Talk Tuesday’ – is when I pick a TED Talk, usually related to the things I tweet about, although occasionally not. There are so may interesting TED Talks available, it’s often hard to pick one!

#14TW or ‘One For The Weekend’ – is where I post either a photo, video or a link to a story that I think is fun or interesting and NOT related to my usual tweeting content.

#TOTM or ‘Tweet Of The Month’ – is something i’ve only done a couple of times now – purely because i’ve forgotten to do it! It may or may not be one of the #TOTWs from the month. I may just pick one of the tweets that I feel got missed and I want to highlight the issue again.

#4PUF or ‘Four Previously Untweeted Favourites‘ – I favourite tweets all the time, whether as a form of ‘like’ or just to bookmark them to return to later. I don’t always end up retweeting them. On the last Sunday of each month I aim to pick a tweet that I have favourited from each week of the month and retweet it.

So there you have it! It’s not difficult to follow. I just wanted to give my new followers an idea of what the regular #‘s mean. Feedback and comments are always welcome! Welcome to my new followers, I hope you enjoy my tweets and or blogs, and thank you to my existing followers who continue to read, retweet and share my blog with others. I literally would not be doing this without all your support!


#TOTW (x3) Radiographers and #SoMe


This week I couldn’t decide on one specific #TOTW so have selected 3:

#TipsForNewRads – 10 things to know for theatre radiography

Using Social Media to Effectively Publish Radiography Evidence Based Practice

Calling all “newbie” radiographers! Check out from radiographers all over the world!

Now ok, so I know one one of them is my own, but i’m not just blowing my own trumpet here, its all the other trumpets that are out there at the minute too – thats my point! This week has been great to show the power and ability of #SoMe, not only to connect radiographers all over the globe, but to disseminate education, training, and tips amongst ourselves and the next generation of rads!

The links above are self-explanatory and appear to have been gone down well. It goes to show that there are plenty of us #TweetingRads out there already – a number that is growing by the day! If we can engage the current crop of student radiographers and get them enthused enough to use #SoMe during their training, then hopefully they will carry this through to when they qualify. I’m still a relative “newbie” to radiography myself, only having qualified 3 years ago. However, I feel that i’ve already picked up enough along the way, both in training and since qualifying, to start sharing what I think students need to know i.e. the stuff that I never saw in a textbook!

The more radiographers that take up the challenge to embrace #SoMe and the benefits it can bring to both personal and the collective CPD of our profession the better!

Lets’ see what this next week brings! That’s part of the excitement of it all, as you don’t know which tweets/updates are going to fly high or which fall flat!

Come on, ENGAGE!

Ben 🙂